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Alliance In Motion Global Liven Alkaline Coffee



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Product detailsceuticalsDo you want to enjoy the best of coffee in your cup? Or are you just interested in taking in healthy products? Or you?re coffeecentric and always love to take coffee drink without any remorse on quality or quantity? Or you care to try a new thing out?Then consider our sweet healthy alkaline coffee drink. Our store is filled with stocks of these products ready to be delivered anywhere around the country.FEATURES OF OUR LIVEN ALKALINE COFFEE-CEUTICALSIt?s powerful for good sleep!It accelerates healing of wounds and prevent cancers due to several fruits and vegetables such as; Japaneses mushrooms and ginseng that are part of its ingredients.Liven Alkaline coffee is taking Nigeria by storm as a coffee and chocolate mix with enormous entertainment and health benefits for all the family.Promotes MAN-POWER: Helps you perform well if you are an impotent man or woman. It enhances sexual vitality.Rejuvenates the skinEnhances concentration and heightens alertnessIncrease sperm motilityReduces fatigueRelieves headacheImproves performance and endurance during exercisePromotes healthy blood circulation and cell regenerationEnhances, nourishes, strengthens and balances the Immune systemPrevents degenerative diseases such as Athritis and RheumatismPrevent coronary heart diseasesImproves alertnessBalances your BODY PH levelPrevents Parkinson?s DiseasesOffset damage of smoking and heavy alkohol intakeLowers cholesterol levelProtect heart diseases and complicationsDetoxify the bodyHelps prevent cancer of any originControls high blood pressureReduces the risk of developing Type 2 diabetesIt doesn?t contain even an ounce of caffeine because it is totally decaffeinated and it is 100% HEALTHIER DRINK according to FDA, NAFDAC and others.

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