Liver Detox Organic Tea is a super blend?of premium organic herbs that supports regular liver?detoxification to eliminate wastes and toxins.Liver Detox Tea is traditional plant formula supports your liver to work efficiently and effectively. Increase energy level by supporting regular liver detoxification, normal cholesterol levels and healthy bowel function and regularity.Waking up to Liver Detox Organic Tea every morning is a tasty way to show your liver some love.INDICATION OF LIVER DETOX ORGANIC TEADetoxify the liverBoosts immunityReduces bad cholesterolCleanse and purifies the bloodStimulates secretion of bileImproves skinNO CONTRAINDICATION HAS BEEN ESTABLISHEDPREPARATIONPour 12 fl, oz of freshly boiled water in a cup over your tea bag. Cover and steep for 8 ? 10 minutes. Gently squeeze the tea bag to release any remaining extract.DOSAGEDrink a warm cup of Liver Detox Tea first thing in the morning. You can add fresh lemon or honey according to your personal taste.NOTETo attain maximum benefit while taking Liver Detox Tea, it is important to maintain a healthy, balanced diet which is high in fibre, drink plenty of water and exercise regularly.This product can be taken long-term without and toxicity or side effect.
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