Digital Electronic Body Slimming Pulse Massage Muscle Relax Stimulator Acupuncture Therapy Machine Physiotherapy Apparatus
Based on the physics, bionics, biological electrical, traditional Chinese medicine science of channels and collaterals principle.Multifunctional for it can use for acupuncture, thump, massage, cupping, massage, scrapping, slim your body and more.Multi use for waist, shoulders, legs, foot massage,physical therapy and many other parts of your body.Electronic pulse help to promote your blood circulation, relieves your pain and promotes your metabolism.It has 4 therapeutic modes,for example vibrate thump, Shiatsu, Massage, Pat and Scrape therapy.
Ergonomic design for comfortable handling.6 pre-programmed exercise programs,10 massage power levels.It is perfect for health care and easy to use it.Digital display for clearly to read it.Slim your body and help to keep fit and healthy.It is effective to alleviating the symptoms of your cervical arthritis, and lumbar muscle strain.?Perfect for muscle relax and pain relief.
Specifications:Item Size:15*10*4.5cmPackage Size:27*10.5*10.5cmColor:whiteVoltage: DC 3VRated work time:30 minutesCurrent: 500mAFrequency: 1-50HzPulse intensity: 10 levels?
Digital display for clearly to read it.Perfect for muscle relax and pain relief.Ergonomic design for comfortable handling.It is perfect for health care and easy to use it.Slim your body and help to keep fit and healthy.6 pre-programmed exercise programs,10 massage power levels.Effective to alleviating the symptoms of your cervical arthritis, and lumbar muscle strain.
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