Oppo F27 Pro+ 5G will come to India on June 13. The business disclosed the phone’s launch date, design, colour options, and specs. The forthcoming smartphone was rumoured to be a renamed Oppo A3 Pro, released in China in April. Company-shared Oppo F27 Pro+ 5G design supports this assertion. The phone may have similar specs to the Oppo A3 Pro.
Oppo F27 Pro+ 5G Release, Design, Colors
The Oppo F27 Pro+ 5G will launch in India on June 13, the firm said Thursday. The company’s website lists Dusk Pink and Midnight Navy as the phone’s launch colours. Having 8GB + 128GB and 8GB + 256GB RAM and storage variants.
The Oppo F27 Pro+ 5G has a circular camera module with a silver ring-like border at the top of the back panel. A polycarbonate vertical stripe runs down the vegan leather cover, with ‘Oppo’ branding at the bottom. The right side has the volume rocker and power button. The curved display has minimal bezels and a top hole-punch cutout.
Oppo F27 Pro+ 5G specs
IP69, IP68, and IP66 dust and water resistance are confirmed for the Oppo F27 Pro+ 5G. Expect MIL-STD 810H and Swiss SGS Premium Performance 5 Stars Drop Resistance for the phone.
Oppo reports the F27 Pro+ 5G will have a 3D curved AMOLED screen with Corning Gorilla Glass Victus 2. The phone weighs 177g and is 7.89mm thick.
The Oppo F27 Pro+ 5G may be a repackaged Oppo A3 Pro with comparable specs.
CREDIT: Martsllschoolabs, Gadgets 360