Our high quality organic whey protein 80 from grass-fed cows contains a full 80g of protein per 100g. With it?s high protein content it?s great for natural sports nutrition or boosting your protein intake. Our organic whey protein concentrate powder contains no nasty fillers, thickeners or sweeteners it is just 100% pure whey that is heat stable.?
Whey protein concentrate is filtered which ensures that the protein is easily digested and absorbed. As whey protein has not been micro filtered unlike whey protein isolate it still contains all beneficial nutrients such as all the essential amino acids the body needs but cannot make itself.
Please note, the rennet used in the production of our wheys is from a microbial source. This is used in place of rennet from animal sources, hence making our whey suitable for vegetarians!
Highest Quality Organic European Whey Protein Concentrate 80 with No Thickeners, Fillers or Sweeteners, Just 100% Heat Stable Pure WheyGreat for Natural Sports Nutrition or Enhancing your Protein IntakeFiltered to Ensure Rapid Digestion and Absorption Within the Body, Contains All Essential Amino AcidsAlso Excellent for Adding to Baked Goods, Spreads, Smoothies, Protein Bars, Yogurt or Granola or Just on it?s Own Mixed with Water or Milk
Ingredients:100% Organic Whey Protein Powder Concentrate 80
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