Natural B-Carotene Soft Capsules is PRIMARILY used as an anti-aging supplement. It functions as an anti-oxidant hence facilitates the shedding off of dead cells and provides NOURISHMENT for the replacement cells thereby giving you a fresh and young skin. A dry or rough skin can become succulent again by using Natural B-Carotene Soft Capsules. Beta-carotene is responsible for protecting the hypoxic parts of the body such as the tiny blood VESSELS in the muscles and it is also used for treating tumors.Natural ?-Carotene Capsules HEALTH BENEFITSNatural Barrier Against Aging?Power Source of Heart Brain?Rich in energy??Amino acids present are for proper growth and DEVELOPMENT of the body.?Fights against cancer?Protect your Eyes – delays the PROGRESSION of age related macular degeneration.?Fights against heart diseases, nerves diseases and infection.?Reduces the chances of stroke.?Has POWERFUL Antioxidant?Protects the Skin: helps in MAINTAINING the integrity OF cells of the mucosa?membrane and skin, this protects them FROM free radicals WHICH cause great damage.?Prevent YOU from gal stones or gall bladder diseases.?Helps In fertility?Supports Healthy Pregnancy?Treats Oral Leukoplakia?Improves Respiratory Health.? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Composition and effect: THIS product is a health food mainly MADE up of ?-Carotene, peanut salad oil, gelatin, glycerin, sucrose syrup and water, which has the health function of supplementing ?-Carotene Suitable for: ADULT who need to supplement ?-Carotene
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