Product detailsC24/7 is Natura-Ceuticals food supplement manufactured and packaged by Nature’s Way company USA, it contains 22,000 Phytonutrients (plant-based nutrients), it contains an alkaline substance that helps to neutralise body acid that damages our body cells. It is a proven super food supplements that increases our immune system, repairs and builds the cells. It promotes healthy blood circulation hence helps to reduce high blood pressure. It reduces fatigue, depression and anxiety. It detoxifies the body and enhances sexual vitality. It the most world’s potent anti-cancer food supplement.Build your immune system by taking 1 Capsule of C24/7 daily. For Therapy/Cure take 2-3 Capsules of C24/7 three-time morning, afternoon and evening daily. No side effect, they are naturals.
C24/7 contains the following daily essentials:????????? 29 Vitamins / Minerals / Trace Minerals????????? 18 Amino Acids????????? 14 Super Green Foods/Spirulina Blend????????? 12 Whole Fruit Juice Blend????????? 12 Whole Vegetable Juice Blend????????? 12 Mushrooms????????? 12 Digestive Enzymes????????? 12 Herbs & Specialty Nutrients????????? 10 Essential Fatty Acids????????? 5 Anti-Aging / Anti-Oxidant Enhancer????????? 4 Longevity Polyphenols / Mega-Resveratrol Blend.
Nafdac No A7 – 1056L
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