Product detailsVarious sizes and various designs available?ESTIMATED MEASUREMENT10*20cm?300g powder, e.g Garri, fufu flour400g grain e.f Rice200g kuli, chin-chin granola
12*22cm500g powder e.g Garri, fufu flour750g grain e.g Rice
14*24cm750g powder e.g Garri, fufu flour1kg grain e.g Rice
16*26cm1kg powder1.5kg grain
18*28cm1.5kg powder2kg grain
20*30cm2kg powder3kg grain
23*33cmI custard paint bucket of any item3kg powder4kg grain
26*364kg powder5kg grain
30*405kg powder6kg grain
stand up ziplock Resealable?Pouch?is?Waterproof, stand up, re-sealable – can be used over and over again. Perfect for small chops ackagingg -??. The zip lock bag is easy closed and recycling, can be made tamper proof with a heat.Features:Use:?food packaging for retail stores, home storage etc.Non GMOCan stand on shelveProtects contents.Durable:?,?Safe and eco-friendly:?a unique environmentally friendly material, whether rainy or sunny weather, thick sealing food packaging to prevent moisture and mildew.Various sizes available.can be used over and over again. Perfect for food packaging -1 Samosa1 spring roll1chicken1 beef/ snail/ gizzard?2 plantainn mosa4 puffpuff?.?long term storage. The zip lock bag is easy closed and recycling, can be made tamper proof with a heat.
Features:Use:?food packaging for retail stores, home storage etc.Protects contents.Durable:?nylon surface texture, unique high-quality materials, wear-resistant.?Safe and eco-friendly:?a unique environmentally friendly material, whether rainy or sunny weather, thick sealing food packaging to prevent moisture and mildew.Various sizes available.
can be used over and over again. Perfect for food packaging – garri, KuliKuli, nuts etc long term storage. The zip lock bag is easy closed and recycling, can be made tamper proof with a heat.
Features:Use:?food packaging for retail stores, home storage etc.Protects contents.Durable:?nylon surface texture, unique high-quality materials, wear-resistant.?Safe and eco-friendly:?a unique environmentally friendly material, whether rainy or sunny weather, thick sealing food packaging to prevent moisture and mildew.Various sizes available.
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