Using the Century Glass Tabletop Gas Cooker is an effective way of
making mouth watering dishes. It has an auto ignition system to start it
up immediately you turn the knob. This 2 burner Gas Cooker is a good
blend of comfort, portability and durability. It is made from refined
stainless material that gives the gas cooker its elegant look, excellent
quality and long lasting durability.Enjoy cooking with the very
portable and comfortable Century 2 Burner Gas Cooker. It is a must have
kitchen appliance and can be used by families, bachelors, spinsters and
more. It does not make your pots black, as it burn with a clear blue
flame. It is very easy to clean and maintain because all you have to do
is clean with a wet cloth to keep it looking new. It is perfect for
camping or outdoor cooking because of its portability.
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