Guiding line:YesMaterial type:AbsLength of video cable:6mLens material:Plastic + glassWire or wireless:WireAlarm type:AccessoriesAlarm type:Vehicle backup camerasShell material:PlasticCcd camera:Car reversing cameraCar rear camera:Car rearview back up cameraReverse camera:Rear view cameraRear camera:Back view cameraBack up camera:Reverse backup rear cameraPark camera:Parking ccd cameraBack camera:Back view camera ?Auto Record GPS Data for Your Driving?Built-in GPS, which records your route and driving speed in videos. GPS module attached to the dashcams,no need to wire the gps cable separately. Recommand to download the GXPlayer on our official website to playback the GPS videos?GPS for Live Speed Tracking?The driving route will be displayed on Google map during playback. And driving information such as driving speed, vehicle?s location will be revealed on the video stamp. You can play videos via the app on your IOS or Android device or on a computer.?Touch Screen and Great Build Quality?The car driving recorder is equipped with a? inches IPS screen. The form factor is well designed and build quality is exquisite, especially the creative design of magnetic bracket enable the dash cam body quickly and easily goes on and comes off the mount.DISTANCE SCALE LINES: A backup camera kit that features an accurate distance scale line display for proper parking and reversing without relying on side mirrors alone.Super Night vision: advanced technology that reduces noise and enhances image quality in low-light conditionsRoad safety camera alerts: notify you of upcoming red light cameras and speed cameras with the included GPS antenna
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