Ayodeji Richard Makun, popularly known as AY Comedian, has voiced his frustration over the perceived lack of support from his male colleagues in the Nigerian film industry. The actor, filmmaker, and comedian aired his grievances on social media following the release of his latest movie, The Waiter.
AY accused male industry peers of showing more support to female artists, attributing this to physical appearances rather than talent and effort. He lamented the challenges men face in gaining recognition and backing in the competitive filmmaking sector, particularly from fellow men.
In his post on X, AY expressed determination to continue promoting his movie despite the lack of encouragement from his colleagues. He questioned why male filmmakers struggle to receive support, saying, “Must we have breasts and yansh to have the support of our fellow men?”
He further declared his commitment to the craft, adding, “I am still the only man left in the business of filmmaking who is yet to give it all up. The Waiter is a beautiful movie. I will continue to personally push it with my full chest in cinemas nationwide. I am too legit to quit.”
AY’s statement sheds light on his passion for filmmaking and his resolve to persevere in the face of challenges. The Waiter is currently showing in cinemas across Nigeria.