Astronomers Using AI - Read Now - Allneeds Online

Astronomers Using AI

Astronomers are using AI to understand the universe’s fundamental parameters.

Astronomers can now accurately measure five key cosmological parameters using AI, improving our knowledge of the cosmos.

AI is expanding beyond digital assistants and deepfake technologies. AI is helping astronomers comprehend the universe’s core properties with unprecedented accuracy. The Flatiron Institute’s Center for Computational Astrophysics (CCA) in New York City has used AI to compute the universe’s five cosmological parameters, improving our understanding of its structure and development.

Unveiling Universe Settings

The five cosmic parameters describe the universe’s’settings’ and how it works on the biggest scales. These characteristics are essentially the universe’s operating instructions, according to CCA astronomer and research co-author Liam Parker. The study team used AI to analyze Sloan Digital Sky Survey data from over 100,000 galaxies to accurately calculate these properties. This study helps cosmologists map the cosmos by measuring galaxies’ distribution.

Enhancing Data Efficiency

AI enabled the team to extract comprehensive insights from SDSS data, overcoming the challenges posed by data bulk and conventional analytic approaches. Other CCA astronomer Shirley Ho noted that such surveys may cost billions of dollars. The team has been able to expand these surveys using AI, making it cheaper to get insights from complicated data.

Precision AI Training

The AI model was trained on 2,000 virtual worlds with varying cosmological conditions. To test the AI’s accuracy, this training set incorporated air distortion and telescope imaging errors. The trained AI was applied to SDSS Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey data. Compared to previous approaches, the AI cut the uncertainty in assessing the universe’s ‘clumpiness’ by more than half. This performance is equivalent to standard analyses with four times more data, improving data efficiency.

Effects on Cosmological Mystery

AI in cosmology addresses important cosmological concerns as well as refines methodologies. One enigma is the Hubble tension, which refers to disparities between estimates of the universe’s expansion rate, the Hubble constant. AI’s accuracy might help resolve this conflict and advance our knowledge of the cosmos.

The CCA team’s AI-powered methodologies will help maximize value from upcoming surveys like the European Euclid survey. We can now easily analyze and interpret massive volumes of cosmic data, which advances our understanding of the universe’s basic properties.

CREDIT: Allneeds, Gadgets360


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