A month after its Indian debut, the series is getting an artificial intelligence (AI)-powered update. The business revealed on Tuesday that it is adding additional smartphones to the Ella-GPT assistant, which made its debut with the Phantom V Flip 5G. Ask AI and AI Generate are the two generative AI functionalities that are already available on the Tecno Camon 30 5G standard model and the Camon 30 Premier 5G model. Interestingly, the devices come with MediaTek Dimensity chipsets and come pre-installed with HiOS 14, which is based on Android 14.
Updated With AI Features for the Tecno Camon 30 Series
Ella-GPT is an artificial intelligence assistant, enhanced by ChatGPT and powered by OpenAI’s GPT 3.5. All of the general functions that an AI chatbot can do, the Ella-GPT can do as well. It can produce text, respond to queries, provide translations in practically real-time, and assist in coming up with ideas for new content.
The chatbot takes voice commands in addition to more than 70 different languages. According to the business, the AI assistant can provide individualized help and manage daily activities for consumers. Remarkably, in 2023 the AI helper debuted alongside the Tecno Phantom V Flip 5G.